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 Post subject: Character Creation: Template and Resource Kit
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 11:56 pm 
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Character Creation Kit
Looking to make a character? You're in the right place!
Welcome to Imperia's Character Creation Kit. Everything you need to create a character and get it approved for play in Imperia can be found here!

Please note that if you have an approved character prior to June 13th, 2015 using either the Mark 3 Character Rating System or 'Old School' Imperia Character Sheets, it is NOT mandatory for you to update these in order to continue play. Your characters are automatically grandfathered into this new format.

If you wish to update a previously approved character, you may opt to follow the instructions provided below or ask a Staff Member to do it for you. If you ask a Staff Member for assistance, please remember to have your character information readily available. Thank you for understanding!

Registering Your New Character
For new players or those looking to create new characters, here are the steps to follow.
  1. To begin, locate the Character Sheet Template and copy the contents listed under the Code Box. You will find this either in the index below or the next post on this topic. This will handle any HTML formatting for you and make your character sheet look nice. Feel free to tweak the colors however you please.
  2. Next, create a new topic under Character Applications. Paste the template and start writing your new character!
  3. If at any point while creating a character you become confused or uncertain, the Kit includes a number of Guideline Resources (see the index below) to assist you. The Guidelines will give you pertinent information about the playable races, religions, nations, and factions you can adopt to your character. If you require more information, such as specific details or updates on recent events in the setting, fellow players and staff in Imperia's IRC channels will be able to assist you.
  4. Once you've finished your application, simply post it. A staff member will examine your character when they are available and either approve it or tell you what adjustments are needed to make it playable. You can also message a staff member on IRC chat to draw their attention.

Character Resources: Index
Clicking on any of these links below will take you to their corresponding post on this topic.
Use the back button or scroll up to return here.

Fate is fickle; what you see is not what you get...

Last edited by TheDivineOrder on Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.

 Post subject: Character Creation: Template
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:25 am 
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Character Sheet Template
To use this template, simply copy the content contained in the Code Area.

[size=150][color=#00BFFF]Enter Character Name Here[/color][/size]
[size=125][color=#FFBF00]Player:[/color][/size] [color=#8080FF]Input[/color]
[size=125][color=#FFBF00]Race:[/color][/size] [color=#8080FF]Input[/color]
[size=125][color=#FFBF00]Gender:[/color][/size] [color=#8080FF]Input[/color]
[size=125][color=#FFBF00]Eye Color:[/color][/size] [color=#8080FF]Input[/color]
[size=125][color=#FFBF00]Hair Color:[/color][/size] [color=#8080FF]Input[/color]
[size=125][color=#FFBF00]Height:[/color][/size] [color=#8080FF]Input[/color]
[size=125][color=#FFBF00]Weight:[/color][/size] [color=#8080FF]Input[/color]
[size=125][color=#FFBF00]Religion:[/color][/size] [color=#8080FF]Input[/color]
[size=125][color=#FFBF00]Date of Birth:[/color][/size] [color=#8080FF]Input[/color]





[color=#8080FF][list][*]Event - IC Date (OOC Date)[/list][/color]

The following is the yielded results of a paste using the template, including some direction on what should be entered into each field.

Enter Character Name Here
Player: (The name of the player. Use forum or IRC handle.)
Race: (The character's race.)
Gender: (Male or Female?)
Eye Color: (Input here.)
Hair Color: (Input here.)
Height: (Input here.)
Weight: (Input here.)
Religion: (The character's main faith, if any.)
Date of Birth: (When the character was born, in Imperia IC Time.)

(In a paragraph, sum up who this character is. Include details such as their affiliations, profession, and other pertinent information.)

(In further detail, explain your character's appearance, typical outfits, and important aspects about them such as signature weapons, tattoos, scars, or other markings that set them apart from the norm.)

(Give some depth to the character's behavioral traits. How are they prone to act in public? How does the outside world view them in return?)

(Here is your character's back story. Some details to include would be the character's origins, how they became who they are now, and how they arrived at Tantallon, Axius. You may place as much or as little information as you wish here.)

(This section records events and plots which the character has been involved with. New characters do not need this section filled out.)

Exemplar Referrals
Need a few examples to get the hang of making your own? Try having a look at these notable character sheets for guidance and inspiration.

  • Reserved Link

Fate is fickle; what you see is not what you get...

 Post subject: Character Creation: Guidelines (Race)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:51 am 
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Joined: Wed May 28, 2008 5:36 am
Posts: 614
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Character Creation Guidelines
Part 1: Playable Races
Here's a list of most playable races in Imperia. While there are others, these are among the easiest to access and understand for new players in the setting.

For non-standard or custom races, please consult Zarak (Mike) for more information or prior approval.

    The elven people of Verdania are known for their lithe bodies, angular faces, fair skin, and the trademark pointed ears that split them apart from humans or other races. The province of Dewwillow is considered their ancestral cradle by most, though other civilizations have risen to be claimed as their homes such as Therilmoria. Elves are known for their affinity to magic, their keen reflexes of agility, and heightened sense of sight and hearing. Two main cultures of elves exist in Verdania with the loss of Nore Quenderin; the nature-loving, druidic elves of Dewwillow, and the metropolian, arcane-focused elven magisters of Therilmoria. As one might expect, these clashing cultures are indeed at odds with each other.
    Points of Origin:
    Dewillow, Former Nore Quenderin, Shadow Knight Empire, Therilmoria
    Preferred Religions:
    Argus, Daeril, Lothos, Mezul, Taidet, Tempest, Tiordrias
    Many consider elves to be eternally youthful, due to their unusually long lives and unfettered beauty. In most cultures, an elf is considered an adult at the age of 111, and will maintain their appearance as a young adult for hundreds of years to come. Some of the most venerable elves have lived well past 900 years, though this is considered the passage of old age for most.

    The stout, clannish dwarven people of Imperia have no distinct nation to call their own, but their claim of great mountains, cavernous depths, and lustrous ore-filled mines are as absolute as the existence of the Primals themselves. Dwarves are known for their short stature, but also their iron-clad endurance and high tolerance to alcohol or other toxins. Most dwarves are renowned for their long, braided beards which often represent their clan and role in the kinship. As part of their upbringing in the clanholds, a dwarf is known for their master's affinity in the ways of craftsmanship, blacksmithing, and battle.

    Those dwarves who hail from Hadicia, the closest thing to their homeland, are rumored to have a unique power of stone sense; the ability to 'feel' through subterranean walls and detect what lays within. Regardless, no creature in Imperia is quite as fierce as a raging, drunken dwarf with a battleaxe in one hand and a stout of lager in the other.

    Points of Origin:
    Axius, Damocles, Greyhelm, Hadicia
    Preferred Religions:
    Argus, Lothos, Kraeth, Krondor, Lightshire, Mezul, Nul'ggroth
    While not as long lived as elves, dwarves still outlast humans when it comes to physical duress and the test of time. While dwarven culture has no 'minimum age' for members of their race to partake in adult activities, a dwarven lad is only considered a true clansman around the age of 60, after they take a test orchestrated for them by their elders. Those who fail the test, refuse to take it, or are otherwise born outside of a dwarven clanhold are typically considered outcasts. A dwarf can live as long as 300 years of age, though many are known to live longer before returning to the stone.

Drow (Dark Elves)
    The dark elves have many similarities to their fair skinned relatives; the lithe figures, angular faces, and pointed ears. But this is where the familiarities end. The Drow of Verdania hail from the subterranean world of Hadicia, though those who have been trapped on the surface, known as the Surface Drow, have made due with isolated colonies in Axius and Greyhelm. Drow are characterized by their dark skin, eyes of red, purple, or other twilight hues, and vividly bright hair colors. Drow culture is often highly competitive and dangerous, leading many who live in such conditions to be devilishly cunning and highly mistrusting of others. They are agile and keen of hearing like most elves, and possess some talent in the magic arts. However, their affinities are often turned towards subterfuge and assassination as a result of their upbringing.

    Drow hailing from the off-world Shadow Knight Empire have a somewhat similar outlook to those born in Hadicia, though their skin is dark brown instead of dark purple or blue, and their culture takes a greater slant towards political intrigue and public guile.

    Points of Origin:
    Axius, Greyhelm, Hadicia, Shadow Knight Empire
    Preferred Religions:
    Argus, Dorandus Cult, Nightmare, Nul'ggroth, Tempest, Vertax
    While the drow people have long lasting lives similar to elves, few ever live long enough to grow old. Their society is one where the strong flourish and the weak perish... A drow child is expected to kill or be killed as early as 70 years of age, a young teenager in human years, barring extreme circumstances such as a house culling. Those lucky few that survive their enemies, their rivals, and even their own family can live to see up to 700 years, or potentially longer through less than mortal means.

    In the realm of Verdania, the Gnomish people make their home on the Tinkerstone Isles, outside of Thuragin Bay and south of Terangoth. Elsewhere, they can be found where civilization accepts the onset of new technologies and advancements, making Axius and Damocles second to home for them. Shorter than dwarves but still a slight above halflings, gnomes have fairly expressive features in their face and body which make them often seem unusual or larger than life to most non-gnomes. They excel in tasks of intellect and possess the ambition to set things in motion, making gnomes among the best alchemists, tinkerers, and inventors in the land. While gnomes are typically fair skinned and regular in manners of eye and hair color, it's not out of place for a gnome to make 'complimentary adjustments' in lieu of a fashion statement.
    Points of Origin:
    Axius, Damocles, Tinkerstone Isles
    Preferred Religions:
    Argus, Enshar, Kraeth, Lightshire, Tempest, Mezul
    Gnomes are considered of adult age around 40 years of age, though they have no specific inhibitions in their culture for younger members of their race to partake in such events. Due to their tendency to avoid conflict or strife, gnomes have been known to live as long as 200 years of age before old age takes them.

    The small, stout of heart halflings of Verdania can be found anywhere there's civilization, and in many cases anywhere there isn't. Many halflings call the Tinkerstone Isles their home alongside the gnomes, but many more embrace a nomadic lifestyle on the main continent. Halflings are an adventurous sort, never ones to stay in one place for overlong, and are not afraid to stand their ground against creatures several times their own size. To a human, a halfling looks akin to some sort of aged and seasoned child, with cultures and lifestyles as various as there are lands to travel. Halflings are as nimble as they are cunning, making for excellent scouts, messengers, or thieves. This doesn't stop them from becoming whatever they feel like, however.
    Points of Origin:
    Axius, Greyhelm, Damocles, Terangoth, Tinkerstone Isles, Vernalla
    Preferred Religions:
    Argus, Enshar, Krondor, Lothos, Nul'ggroth, Tempest
    Most halfling cultures in the mainland prohibit their younger kin from adult activities until they reach at least 20 years of age, though tendencies in places such as Terangoth or Greyhelm lack such restrictions. They age much like their taller human counterparts, able to reach as much as 100 years of age before passing away of natural causes.

    Among the most common races to inhabit Imperia, specifically the continent of Verdania, are humans. They come in many sizes and colors, with a colorful variety of cultures to choose from. While lacking any distinct racial traits, humans are known throughout the centuries for their versatility and ambitions.
    Points of Origin:
    Axius, Damocles, Dantania, Greyhelm, Hessenarth, Kyuichi Saeken, Roshack, Shadow Knight Empire, Vernalla, Terangoth, Xixecal
    Preferred Religions:
    Argus, Dorandus Cult, Elohim, Enshar, Krondor, Lightshire, Lothos, Mezul, Nul'ggroth, Tiordrias, Tempest, Vertax
    At the age of 16, a Human is considered an adult in popular Verdanian Culture. They become fully grown around the age of 25, and can live up to almost 100 years in good health before they finally succumb to old age.

    Known as Zharyiani in their own tongue, they are named 'Krarthian' by Verdania's people due to their origins. Krarthians originally hailed from their distant homeworld of Krarth, but have come to call Zharai'in their home and province on Imperia. While they share similarities to the human race, Krarthians differ by their reptilian natured eyes and slitted pupils, slightly pointed ears, and durable bodies. A Krarthian's skin is harder to pierce, their bones tougher to break.

    While not absolute, common tradition in both Krarthian culture and trade sets many of their kind on paths to become skilled warriors. Honor and valor are valued highly in Zharai'in, where each Krarthian is measured by their word and their caste in the society. Their disagreements are usually settled through honorable combat, often in the form of duels.

    Points of Origin:
    Zharai'in, Krarth (The Homeworld)
    Preferred Religions:
    Enshar, Kithra (The Elders), Krondor, Lightshire, Mezul, Taidet
    From birth until what humans could call young adulthood (around the age of 20), Krarthians age much as a human would. After this point, however, their aging slows. While not as "eternally young" as elves, Krarthians can live to be up to 800 years old, though that varies from person to person, as does the appearance of their age. 800, however, would be considered old age for their race. It is not unheard of to have a 500 year old Krarthian who looks like he is in his 70s (in human perspective) standing next to a 600 year old Krarthian that looks like he'd be 50 in human terms.

    Hailing from the off-world planet of Sirius, Sirians claim they are the direct descendants of Taidet, the former Primal of Fire and Truth. Regardless, they embody many of the Primal's facets; Sirians are proud, war-like, and possess a fiery temperament. They are notably taller than the average human, physically stronger and possess an affinity for fire magic. All Sirians possess at least a small quantity of dragon's blood in their veins, but their royalty is known to possess the strongest of this draconic lineage. Culturally, Sirians are known for their very public and outward sexuality, along with their display of strength, pride, and power. Their only and greatest shame is the loss of their homeworld, Sirius, to the Shadow Knight Empire. An event that forced many of them on an exodus to Imperia... where they discovered the chance for a new beginning.
    Points of Origin:
    Sirius (Sirian Homeworld)
    Preferred Religions:
    Taidet (Sirians almost exclusively worship Taidet, but sometimes adhere to other Primals)
    Sirians age much like their human counterparts, though their draconic blood causes them to age a bit slower. Though they will drink, love, and fight as early as 18 years of age, they do not become a true Sirian adult until they are 25. From here on they age in relative normalcy to humans, but to not suffer physical ailments such as arthritis or lethargy. Even as late as 80 years of age, a Sirian can be as strong and dangerous as one who's 30. They can live up to about 130 years of age before old age claims them.

On Half Breed Races...
    Characters comprised of two races (such as half-elves, half-drow, half-dwarves, and so forth) have options and preferences of either race available to them, depending on their origins. They will typically share traits from both races, but never quite fit in to either culturally or ascetically. When creating a half-breed character, remember to state both races they originate from, such as Human/Dwarf or Human/Elf.

Fate is fickle; what you see is not what you get...

Last edited by TheDivineOrder on Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:09 pm, edited 7 times in total.

 Post subject: Character Creation: Guidelines (Religion)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 5:20 am 
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Character Creation Guidelines
Part 2: Religions and Faith
Contained here is a list of religions, gods, Primals, or other faiths that are readily available for your character to partake in. Like any person in a world, favoring a particular Primal does not mean your character has to devoutly worship them. Even just liking them is reason enough to be on your character's preferences.

Additionally, you may have noticed 'Preferred Religions' above in the Race Guide. It is not necessary for your character to follow these guides, but you will likely wish to explain in the sheet as to why they've deviated from the majority of their race.

    Your character calls homage to no deity, Primal or God alike. This does not make you an atheist, however. It's impossible to disprove the existence of beings who have personally walked among mortals or displayed their divine might on more than just one occasion. Instead, you choose not to follow them, perhaps out of defiance or for a desire of true freedom.
    Areas of Influence:
    No church or shrine stands for the non-faithful, but their numbers are scattered across the face of Imperia.
    Those who choose to accept no religion have mixed reception in Verdania. They can expect anything from apathetic neutrality to potential hostility regarding their status when faced with the zealous and devout.

The Primal Pantheon
Argus, Purveyor of Lore and Fortune
    You pay your respects to Argus, the Primal of Luck, Information, and Creativity. Argus is not a particularly demanding patron, though he is known for his odd sense of humor. There are many reasons to follow his teachings, such as becoming more aware of the world and your surroundings, or just being on Lord Luck's good side when it comes to games of chance, such as poker or dodging that trap arrow you just tripped on accident.
    Areas of Influence:
    The Axius Kingdom reveres Argus above all others in Verdania. However, he is often favored by those who value luck and insight above all else. Thieves, Mages, Scholars, Explorers, Artists, and Adventurers from all walks of life are liable to offer Argus their patronage.
    Religiously, followers of Argus have no real enemies to their faith, but no real allies either. In many respects, they are left to do as they please throughout the world of Verdania. This doesn't mean that an Argusian won't take sides, however. The varieties of followers fluctuate between the benign informant, the nefarious trickster, or even double agents who cater to all sides of a conflict as their whim befits them.

Enshar, Lady of Love and Relations
    You share a profound love for beauty, for family, and for love-making itself. Enshar, the Primal of Love and Beauty, will guide you to inner happiness and admiration for your fellow man, as well as the world around you. In some cases more literally than any outsider might expect. Enshar teaches you to be accepting and open minded of another's feelings to promote healthy relationships and forge new bonds with friends and family alike. As an Ensharite, you are never truly alone.
    Areas of Influence:
    Almost every human nation in Verdania has at least a small niche where Enshar's followers thrive and congregate, though Ensharites mostly accept their place as supporters, comforters, and lovers to the world around them. While Enshar is mostly known for having a following of Prostitutes, she is also a patron to anyone who has need of her, from Lords and Ladies of noble houses to Farmers and Peasants of the lower castes.
    Enshar is viewed in a mostly positive light, as she brings many benefits to mortals regardless of their teachings. Among those who view Enshar's people with malcontent are Mezul, Nul'ggroth, and Vertax. Essentially, deities who find romance distracting or outright revile it.

Kraeth, Herald of Dwarves and Technology
    The ever-marching progress of technology. The creative spark of invention and ingenuity. Knowledge in its absolute, concrete form. Whether a tinker, an engineer, craftsman, or analytical dungeon delver, this is your calling. Kraeth guides your hand with all things of craft, from the forge to the workbench or even a patchwork job on the field. Productivity and efficiency are your namesake, and with Kraeth as your witness you'll build a better future for all of Verdania, one way or another.
    Areas of Influence:
    Kraeth is the Master of all Inventors, Craftsmen, and Engineers. While no nation primarily follows Kraeth, the Father of All Dwarves has an entire race that reveres him. Many of the world's known arts, such as alchemy and enchantment, are credited as blessings of Kraeth to the world.
    To most other religions, Kraeth is regarded as non-interfering and neutral. Only followers of Lightshire or Tiordrias are liable to come at odds with a Kraethian, especially in instances where the Kraethian's works begin to interfere with aspects that are meant to be 'above mortal comprehension'.

Krondor, Lord of Law and War
    Honor, Valor, and Glory Eternal! Your heart and mind are deeply rooted in Krondor's Law. To serve the greater good, protect the innocent, and to bring justice upon those who would prey upon them. Whether you're a humble dock worker or a great crusader, Krondor has shown you the value of hard work and keeping your word. Anyone who dares to think otherwise had best know their place. Krondor is not known for his mercy.
    Areas of Influence:
    Followers of Krondor are the 'silent majority' of Verdania, being not only the Patron Father of the Primals themselves, but also the apex of Law and War. No one nation holds Krondor in exclusive esteem, but his hand is seen in every city, every kingdom, and every civilization wherever guards uphold the law, rulers create laws and regulations, or soldiers fight to protect it. Nearly every warrior gives praise to Krondor for protection... or for deliverance should they fall.
    Those who serve or adhere to Krondor's Law tend to be at odds with the more chaotic, free-thinking Argusians. Krondor's true enemies, however, are the murderous Vertaxians, the world-ending Nightmare, and dissident anti-Primal groups such as the Dorandus Cult.

Lightshire, Master of Fate
    As a pilgrim of Lightshire, you see the prospects of mortality and inevitability with an inner wisdom. There is no uncertainty in your life, as you are content in the knowledge that your fate was written from the day you were born. There are few who may agree with your philosophies, but let them fret about their chances and probabilities until the end of days. Your eyes are open, and your Lord has bestowed upon you the ultimate gift... the Future.
    Areas of Influence:
    Of all the nations in Verdania, Dantania is the only known Kingdom to possess a temple dedicated to Lightshire. Lightshire's followers are few and far apart otherwise, often taking to travel or pilgrimage to fulfill whatever destiny they feel lies before them. Mortals of all races have the potential to worship Lightshire, but his most avid followers are Historians, Scribes, Archeologists, and Oracles. It is rumored that Lightshire retains a host of powerful beings called Inevitables to enforce his edicts with unwavering resolve.
    Lightshire's only 'adversaries' are followers of Tempest and Argus, both of which view their fates as malleable and unwritten. Others instead value Lightshire's priestly diviners and shrine oracles for their power to see into the future, or delve into the past and uncover untold secrets. His servants have a special loathing for chronomancers, or any who would try to tamper with fate.

Lothos, Father of Nature and Light
    Nature is a beautiful thing. You cherish life in all its natural forms as Lothos himself, the Primal of Earth, Life, and Light, originally intended. Lothos has shown you not only that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to, but how to live in harmony with his many gifts and splendors. To follow Lothos is to follow a path of bountiful abundance, for those with the determination to see his will done.
    Areas of Influence:
    The Damocles Empire is known to be predominantly Lothosian, a faith namely maintained by the Holy Order of Arcnov. Branches and missions of Arcnov and their more zealous, militant counterpart Elohim can be found in many places on Verdania. Outside of civilization, most Lothosians view the forests as their Primal's temple. Many Druids, Rangers, Clerics, and Paladins stand under Lothos' banner, with Gardeners and Farmers praying for Lothos to bless the earth they toil in.
    The Lothos faith has a positive following in Axius, Damocles, and a majority of other places. However, it is viewed with animosity in Greyhelm where Vertax and Nul'ggroth vie for dominance, and the elven provinces of Dewwillow and Therilmoria who refuse to acknowledge Lothos as a Primal over Daeril or Taidet. To Lothos, the undead are anathema, making Vertax and Nul'ggroth among his greatest enemies.

Mezul, Teacher of Truth and Balance
    Patience is a virtue. Restraint strengthens the mind, and resistance hones the body for the trials to come. As a follower of Mezul, you value self-control and balance above all else. Let the miscreants of this world try to rile, seduce, or deceive you. In the end they will fail and you will stand unbroken. Whenever you are called upon to act, it is with unyielding perfection, and superior precision. Waste not, want not.
    Areas of Influence:
    The core of Mezul's followers exist in Damocles, at Rathleon Hall. Here, members of the faith find shelter and more promising candidates are trained to become Spellswords and wielders of the fabled Tri-Elemental Blades. The rest of Verdania is dotted with many shrines and waypoints dedicated to Mezul, though any Mezulite will tell you that the Primal's true temple of worship is their minds and bodies alone. Mages and Warriors alike pay their respects to Mezul for wisdom and guidance, as do many Monks, Martial Artists, and Mediators who may be called upon to make calm, unbiased observations on an otherwise volatile situation.
    Like Kraeth and Argus, Mezul is regarded with some apathy by most other faiths, though he shares familiarity with Krondor and Lightshire. Mezulites are content to ignore and be ignored by the more excitable followers of Lothos and Enshar, or the rabid fanatics of Vertax and Tiordrias. As the Primal of Balance, Inner Fire, and Control, his enemies stand among those who seek to bring discord and chaos into the world.

Nul'ggroth, Curator of the Dead
Formerly known as Oblivious
    Death comes to all things. Men can struggle, buildings can endure, but in the end they will all bow before the Silent Reaper. Nul'ggroth has taught you to respect death in all its forms, rather than fear it as others are known to. When your time comes, you will be ready to embrace his peace... but until then, the Primal of the Dead has a plan for you. Yours is to serve in diligence and absolution.
    Areas of Influence:
    Nul'ggroth, modernly known as Oblivious until the unveiling of his true name from ancient times, was once the primary faith of Greyhelm. The recent usurpation by Vertax has left many Nul'ggrothi worshipers scattered, and his dominance in question. Beyond the now Vertaxian Greyhelm, shrines, temples, and graveyards dedicated to Nul'ggroth dot the landscapes of Axius, Damocles, Terangoth, and Vernalla. Any who actively face or deal in matters of death, such as necromancers, assassins, and even some warriors or mages of a more pure heart will venerate Nul'ggroth to guide those they fell.
    Followers of Nul'ggroth have very few 'true' allies among the other faiths, but their undisputed enemy are those who follow Vertax. Other rivalries include priests and paladins of Lothos, druids of Daeril, and even a few of Enshar's number. They can find some familiarity in Mezul and Krondor, as they treat their dead with calm collectiveness and honor.

Tempest, Guardian of Magic and Time
    You are one of the few who sees what truly lies before you; a reality of infinite possibilities. Fate and destiny mean nothing to you, as you are entitled to write your own tale. The supernatural powers that are divinity and arcane arts are not mere tools to be abused and exploited, but gifts from Tempest, the Great Magus himself, to better grasp and understand the world around you. Any fool can harness the power of magic, time, or the laws of nature themselves... but you are on the path to becoming a true master.
    Areas of Influence:
    Tempest's influence is greatest in places where magic is highly valued and significant, such as the province of Therilmoria and guilds dedicated to magic, such as the Excilion Arcanum Foundation. Any wizard seeking divine guidance and success in their endeavors are known to pay homage to Tempest, whether their intentions are noble or dark.
    Regarded mainly as a neutral Primal, followers of Tempest rarely come at odds with other followers of faith. The exception to that rule is in encounters with the pilgrims of Lightshire, particularly due to their differing opinions on fate and the future. They share many similarities, and thus a sort of kinship with Argusians and some Kraethian faithful.

Tiordrias, Bringer of Storms and Seas
    The seas call to you, whether you simply admire them from land or sail upon them with a trusty ship. The ways of Tiordrias teach you to respect and admire his power over the great storms that have claimed many before you. He guides you on your journey to new lands, new fortunes, and broader horizons.
    Areas of Influence:
    Island nations such as Terangoth and the Tinkerstone Isles have a profound respect for Tiordrias, with many shrines dedicated to gaining Tiordrias' protection and guidance. On the mainland, most nations have migrated from sea-travel to the air traveling magitech airships, causing many to have abandoned the Tiordrias faith in this region. He still gains reverence from sailors, dock workers, and certain elementalists however.
    Among Verdania, followers of Tiordrias are a remote few. His temples are relatively small and no great or notable factions carry his name or banner. His popularity exists less in a form of priesthood and more in a form of maritime travel, when merchants or sailors alike must traverse the sea to reach their destination.

Former Primals
Daeril, Mother of Elves and Life
    You are one of the few who remember that there was a Primal before Lothos. A goddess of beauty and compassion, maiden of nature and tranquility. You embrace her ways to find peace within yourself, and one day bring it forth to the world around you. You take oaths of love and friendship seriously, and are not one to abandon allies in their time of need. While others abandon her out of weakness or cowardice, you remain true to Daeril as one of her children of light. One day, she will return.
    Areas of Influence:
    Daeril's aura of influence lies almost exclusively with the elven race, and even then predominantly in Dewwillow, their home province. There she is revered as the true mother of nature and life, said to have given life to the mythical Pyrerane, ancestors of the elves. Shrines and missions outside of Dewwillow are scarce, and it's unlikely for a human, dwarf, or halfling to give them much thought.
    Most nations and races who see the Daerilists view them with either compassion or sympathy, even if they are not ready to convert or follow them. Daeril has a rival in Lothos, whose grasp over human-ruled Verdania over-extends her own. Followers of Daeril are irrefutable enemies with the Primals of death; Nul'ggroth and Vertax.

Taidet, Bearer of Truth and Flame
    Truth and strength, in their purest form. You are never one to sit idle while traitors, peddlers of sin, and cowardly thieves still live and breathe. By the will of your Father Taidet, you will see this world cleansed of its evil by the strength of your sword arm or by his purifying flame. Those who say Taidet is no more are only fooling themselves. Taidet's fire burns brightly in your heart, and there is no greater cause than to serve as his instrument of justice.
    Areas of Influence:
    In Verdania, worship of Taidet is few and far between. He has some reverence in Dewwillow as well as more scarce presence in Axius and Damocles, but is otherwise a distant memory to most mortal races. His strongest point of influence is off-world on the planet Sirius, where the race of Sirians hold Taidet in the highest honors.
    Followers of Taidet have much familiarity with Daerilists, who also follow a Primal 'cast down by Krondor'. They find sympathy and allies among the ranks of Enshar, Mezul, and some from Lothos. Servants of Krondor are known to shun a Taidet worshiper due to their Primal's relevant positions, but otherwise maintain neutrality. Taidet counts those of guile and darkness among his enemies, including Vertaxians and darker agents of Argus or Nul'ggroth.

Vertax, the Tormentor
    All things must die, but so few openly embrace it in all its splendor and glory. You are disenchanted with Nul'ggroth, a pacifist fool who has no more power over own domain than an ant has the will to resist being crushed. You are not merely intrigued by death and destruction; you are inspired by it. Agony is ecstasy, and the cries of the dying are your chorus. To you, death is only the beginning... a destiny your victims will come to know and fear for the rest of their unliving days.
    Areas of Influence:
    Presently, the nation of Greyhelm has become swayed into favor of Vertax. The last vestiges of Nul'ggroth presence there are being stamped out. Outside of this nation however, Vertax's presence is felt only through cults and shadow groups that hide from the vigilant eyes of holy crusaders, paladins, and demon hunters.
    Vertax, though once a Primal himself, is renowned as the enemy of Primals everywhere. His greatest enemies are Daeril and Taidet, the former Primals in which legends claim he personally saw to their fall from grace. As such, Vertaxians are not above consorting with the demonic Abyss. Their more extreme, fanatic followers have even made pacts with the dreaded Infernals or the Nightmare itself as a means to bring about the annihilation of the Primal Pantheon and the people who worship them.

Cults and Covens
Dorandus, the Elemental Lord
    Fire. Earth. Water. Air; the world of Imperia is made up of these four elements. Where once you were weak and powerless beneath the Primals' collective thumb, Dorandus has shown you the path to power. A way to bind these elements to your will. By his enlightenment and gifts you strive to become your own master and cast aside any pawn of the Primals who dare challenge your ambitions. No one will stand in your way, ever again.
    Areas of Influence:
    The Cult of Dorandus has some prominence in the regions of Greyhelm and Axius, as well as the former province of Sarhl that lies between them. Though their services are sometimes requested by rulers, they are ultimately an outlawed religion throughout Verdania, punishable by imprisonment or worse. Even so, many elemental mages, spellswords, and even druids have been known to swear fealty to Dorandus.
    The Cult of Dorandus is mostly viewed with hostility by the other faiths and Primal religions, though some such as Tempest or Kraeth are neutral to them. In the past, followers of Dorandus have made temporary allegiances with Nul'ggroth, Tempest, and Kraeth when their agendas coincided.

The Nightmare
    You stand as one enlightened to the true nature of Imperia. This world is an illusion. A prison created by false gods to lord over. They see you as nothing more than pawns, toys for their petty games of control and dominance over one another. But you have found the secret they kept locked away. A thing they call 'The Nightmare'. Chaos in its absolute form. To you however, it is freedom... liberation from rules, from restrictions, from burdens, and your one true release from the Primal's oppressive grasp. You endeavor to break the chains these pretenders have placed upon you, and once you have? You'll send this fantasy of theirs crashing down all around them.
    Areas of Influence:
    Worship of the Nightmare is often considered dangerous and evil in the Primal-Favoring continent of Verdania. Like other cults, there are some pocket followings throughout the nations. Some of the most prevalent is among the aristocracy of Axius, and the extremist Nightmare-Vertaxians from Greyhelm or Sarhl.
    Short of Vertax, there is no other Primal, god, or deity that views the Nightmare as anything more than an absolute threat. Even the demonic Abyssals and Infernals fear it, as the Nightmare represents the end of everything they stand for. Followers of the Nightmare are few and far between, and those that are often remain unspoken. Publicly coming out as a Nightmare Worshiper is akin to signing your own death warrant.

The Infernals
    The Primals are cruel and unforgiving, their followers blind and mindless sheep. Through experience or observation you have revealed them for the tyrants they are. Fortunately, you are not alone. The Infernals, the exiled children of the Primals, share your plight. They accept you for what you are, reward your efforts, and give you renewed purpose in this world... The time will come when the Primals themselves are forced to remember what they cast aside... and receive this same fate for themselves. A new dawn is coming...
    Areas of Influence:
    Worship of the Infernals is outlawed across the continent of Verdania, so it exists only in the form of small cults or hidden covens. In many cases, these groups will also double as lairs for the Infernal themselves. They are scarce for a number of reasons, but those that exist are not to be taken lightly. Those who worship the Infernals have the potential of receiving a portion of that Infernal's power for themselves, making them especially dangerous.
    In lore, the Infernals were those children of the Primals that were judged unworthy and cast down for their sins to be corrupted by them wholly. While the Primals ignore the Infernals, their mortal followers are not afforded the same luxury. An Infernal worshiper faces enemies not only from the Primal followers, but from other Infernal worshipers as well. Unlike other groups, they are not a collaborative bunch. And not all Infernals are suitable to follow; only a discrete and sociable few, such as Draestasha, Infernal of Daeril, will permit themselves to have a following.

Non-Verdanian Religions
The Elders
    The Kithra, or Elders in the commoner's tongue, are the patron gods of the Krarthian people. Whether you are a Krarthian yourself, or an outsider who has come to recognize their divinity, you are drawn to the Kithra's unity and acceptance of their roles, rather than the adversity of opinionated or divided Primals. As such, you strive to better yourself in all aspects, and ascend to find your place among the Zharyiani.
    Areas of Influence:
    On their homeworld of Krarth, the Kithra is the one and only pantheon followed by Krarthians there, with no room or tolerance for other faiths. On Imperia however, the province of Zharai'in is predominantly bound to the Elders, though they are gradually becoming more accepting of the Primal Pantheon.
    Those who do not follow the Elders often view their followers as outsiders. Foreign people from an alien culture bringing an unknown... and typically unwelcome faith. As such, followers of the Kithra only have themselves for support and allies; Verdania is a land filled with stubborn resistance to their ways.

Fate is fickle; what you see is not what you get...

 Post subject: Re: Character Creation: Template and Resource Kit
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Character Creation Guidelines
Part 3: Nations and Regions
Every character hails from a place they once called home. This section of the guide is aimed to educate you on what nations are available and what they're like.

For unlisted or custom nations, please consult Zarak (Mike) before committing your character to that region.

Imperia Maps

Nations of Verdania
    The nation of Axius lies along the western edge of Verdania, with borders to northern Greyhelm and eastern Dewwillow. Its income is generated through a mix of mercantile trade and local production, though Axius is neither the wealthiest nor most powerful nation. While it boasts one of Verdania’s greatest naval fleets, the nation has seen its fair share of turmoil and strife; Axius faces Greyhelm to the north, Terangoth on the southern seas, and numerous other threats from within and without. Their allies are few, though they count the Damocles Empire among them. Axius is also where the majority of Imperia’s roleplay takes place, centered in the City of Tantallon along Axius’ southeastern coastline, just below Dewwillow.
    Accepted Races:
    Human (Primary), Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Sirian
    Argus (Primary), Enshar, Kraeth, Krondor, Lightshire, Lothos, Mezul, Nul'ggroth, Tempest, Tiordrias
    Society in the nation of Axius has an emphasis on free will and independence among the individual citizen, which can be seen even among their noble houses with a divided aristocracy. Axius herself is a nation driven by deeds and champions, with many tales in which to reminisce and legacies to recount. Its climates are as diverse and divided as its people, with tropical weather to its south and cooler tundra climes along its northern border to Sarhl.
    Recent Events:
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    Damocles lies to the east of Axius, consisting of the core of Verdania and engulfing the northern and eastern coasts. North of Vernalla and east of Greyhelm, it is an imperial power that draws its wealth from extensive military campaigns and geopolitical dominance. It is an empire, and holds unrivaled dominance in the air and on land, as well as technologically. Damocles holds several tributary states and extends its imperialistic umbrella over several more, including Axius and Dewwillow, as well as several offworld campaigns in Sirius and beyond.
    Accepted Races:
    Human (Primary), Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Krarthian, Sirian
    Lothos (Primary), Argus, Enshar, Kraeth, Krondor, Lightshire, Mezul, Tempest
    Verdania's sword and shield against threats foreign and domestic, the people of Damocles are often proud if not sometimes arrogant. Their cities are a splendor of civil achievement and magi-technological wonder to tourists, while their outlying towns and settlements have something of a homely, old world feel. Many who live here have a reverence for their rulers, as well as an honor-bound lifestyle. Most native Damocleans possess a 'British' accent.
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    Accepted Races:
    Human (Primary), Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Krarthian
    Lightshire (Primary), Enshar, Kraeth, Krondor, Lothos, Mezul, Nul'ggroth, Tiordrias
    Recent Events:
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    Accepted Races:
    Elf (Primary), Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Human, Sirian
    Daeril (Primary), Argus, Lightshire, Mezul, Nul'ggroth, Taidet, Tempest, Tiordrias
    Recent Events:
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    Greyhelm lies to the north of Axius, existing on the small peninsula along the northwestern reaches of Verdania. It neighbors Axius to the south, and Damocles to the east. It is mostly a nation of farmers, feudal lords bound together by ‘might makes right’ and religious fervor. Its economy runs primarily off slavery and feudal levying, and it has served as a ready antagonist to its wealthier neighbor to the south. The Vertaxian faith holds strong here, and is a major influence in day-to-day politics alongside their political allies, the Shadow Knight Empire.
    Accepted Races:
    Human (Primary), Elf, Drow, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Sirian
    Vertax (Primary), Dorandus, Enshar, Krondor, Lightshire, Mezul, Tempest, Tiordrias
    Recent Events:
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    The deep dark depths of Hadicia are an unknown expanse stretching all across Verdania, and perhaps even beyond it. Myths and stories of what lurks below have begun to surface from those Drow and Hadician Dwarves who visit. Hadicia is a world filled with danger and uncertainty, where great subterranean kingdoms rise and fall amidst an ongoing competition to cull the weak and embolden the strong. The wealth of Hadicia is in its unique and exotic wares, which are often incorporated into their military tactics to create a highly unorthodox opponent for any other nation. Even though the tunnels leading to Hadicia are all believed destroyed, every now and then someone finds their way up. Or down.
    Accepted Races:
    Drow (Primary), Dwarf, Gnome
    Nightmare (Primary), Dorandus, Infernals, Mezul, Nul'ggroth, Tempest, Vertax
    Recent Events:
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Sarhl (Axius/Greyhelm Neutral Zone)
    Accepted Races:
    Human (Primary), Drow, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Krarthian, Sirian
    No faith is censored in Sarhl, nor is any one religion dominant over the other.
    Recent Events:
    This will be a Wiki Link tagged to the nation's page.

    Accepted Races:
    Human (Primary), Drow, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Krarthian, Sirian
    Recent Events:
    This will be a Wiki Link tagged to the nation's page.

    Accepted Races:
    Elf (Primary), Drow, Human
    Tempest (Primary), Argus, Daeril, Dorandus, Infernals, Nul'ggroth, Tiordrias
    Recent Events:
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Nations of Imperia (Non-Verdanian)
    Accepted Races:
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Kyuichi Saeken
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Nore Quenderin
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Tinkerstone Isles
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Off-World Nations (Non-Imperia)
    Accepted Races:
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Shadow Knight Empire
    Accepted Races:
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Fate is fickle; what you see is not what you get...

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