A Field is an event that is held at the Arena such as Dueling, Archery or Wrestling. All of these events have their own set of rules, rewards, pros and cons. Excitement draws people here and some prefer certain events to others. New events can be proposed, and they are given IC (In Character) and OOC (Out of Character) Rules and Regulations.

Grand Tournament

The Grand Tournament is a yearly event, consisting of four or five fields all bunched together into one huge festival. Ticket prices and entry fees are usually higher for the Grand Tournaments as they are huge events and draw in several competitors and nobles who wish to watch or compete. The winners of the Grand Tournaments are usually given better prizes, declared the champions in their own fields, gain instant celebrity and are invited back to the next Tournament or Championship of the field they win with the entry fee waived.


The Championship is a one field event, with either 8 or 16 slots open, which is a Tournament or event for one event only. Prizes and entry fees as well as ticket prices are greatly reduced and while they are not the huge event like the yearly Grand Tournament, the Championships are still famous and attractive in their own right. These events are not as predictable in frequency as the Grand Tournament however and are random and sporadic.


Description: In this event two competitors are squared off against each other in a battle to the death for one hour. If the battle is not finished in one hour, then judges will decide the winner based on several factors such as blood spilt, aggression, style and tactics.
IC Rules: The competitors are allowed to use any weapon and equipment so long as it's not magical in nature or magically enchanted. Gunpowder based weapons however such as flintlocks are illegal, as are poisons, webbing, or attacks meant to render an opponent unconscious or asleep or disabled (With the exception of good ole knockouts). Victory comes if you win the judges calling, render your opponent unconscious and unable to fight or kill your opponent.
OOC Rules: This event is done in Free Form style, however PMs/Ops will oversee the event and call anyone if they feel they are powergaming or acting unfairly. 
Prizes: Prizes are based on the Tournament this is held, however the total prize value for Dueling at the Grand Tournament is around 500,000 silver and the total prize value for Dueling in any other times besides the Grand Tournament is around 250,000 silver. However specially organized events may have entirely different packages of different worth and value.
Additional Information: This Tournament is either done as a 8 or 16 slot Elimination Tournament with no allowance for an odd number of contenders. Winners are given a golden trophy of themselves, in a position ready to fight, and second place winners are given the same thing except as a silver trophy. This event is highly regarded among the warriors, trolls, dwarves and other races of strength. Also this event is considered the same as Gladiator Fighting. Insurance is recommended for this event as well as any death could be permanent if you are without insurance.


Description: In this event two competitors are squared off against each other and to shoot at five targets (2 Short Range, 1 Medium Range, 1 Long Range and 1 Trickshot). Hits are given a points value and whoever has the most points wins.
IC Rules: The competitors are given normal Composite Longbows and enough arrows needed for the shot. They are allowed one shot per target with no chances of a reattempt of a shot. Any magical means to improve their shot or chances is deemed as cheating and the person is disqualified.
OOC Rules: A specially designed dice/stats system is used for this and information about it can be located here. Skill levels for the competition are decided before hand and once decided that level is stuck to a character for all following tournaments and archery competitions. Anyone missing an event has a two point deduction from their skill level (Treated as shame for not being there).
Prizes: Prizes are based on the Tournament this is held, however the total prize value for Archery at the Grand Tournament is around 500,000 silver and the total prize value for Archery in any other times besides the Grand Tournament is around 250,000 silver. However specially organized events may have entirely different packages of different worth and value.
Additional Information: This Tournament is either done as a 8 or 16 slot Elimination Tournament however in the case of an odd number of contenders, the final match or a match could be more than two people at once. Winners are given a golden trophy of themselves, in a position ready to fire a bow, and second place winners are given the same thing except as a silver trophy. This event is highly regarded among the elves.


Description: Information Pending
IC Rules: Information Pending
OOC Rules: Information Pending
Prizes: Information Pending
Additional Information: Information Pending

Tempest's Test

Description: In this event two competitors are squared off against each other in a battle. However there is an added risk of the platforms they are on constantly lower down. They have a short time (15 moves) to knock their other opponent off of the platform cause when time is up then both platforms will of lowered into the boiling oil below which is on fire.
IC Rules: The competitors are given leather armor and padded pugil sticks as their only weapon and placed within striking distance of each other on opposing platforms. They have to knock their opponent off before time expires or both people lose. Magic is not allowed in this event.
OOC Rules: This event is done in Free Form style, however PMs/Ops will oversee the event and call anyone if they feel they are powergaming or acting unfairly. You have 15 moves and 15 moves only. The point of no return is after the 10th turn, by then the platforms will be too low for a person to successfully leap off and land beyond the burning oil.
Prizes: Prizes are based on the Tournament this is held, however the total prize value for Tempest's Test at the Grand Tournament is around 1,000,000 silver and the total prize value for Tempest's Test in any other times besides the Grand Tournament is around 500,000 silver. However specially organized events may have entirely different packages of different worth and value.
Additional Information: This Tournament is either done as a 8 or 16 slot Elimination Tournament with no allowance for an odd number of contenders. Winners are given a golden trophy of themselves, in a position ready to fight holding a pugil stick and on a platform., and second place winners are given the same thing except as a silver trophy. Insurance is strongly recommended for this event as well as any death could be permanent if you are without insurance.

Talos's Challenge

Description: In this event a competitor is pitted against Talos, a 100 foot tall Bronze Colossus. The objective is simple - the competitor has to survive for 30 minutes against Talos by remaining alive. They lose if they die or Talos manages to remove them from the Arena itself.
IC Rules: The competitors are allowed any item or spell they have in their possession. There are no weapon limits. They lose when they either die, are knocked out, or removed from the Arena by Talos himself.
OOC Rules: Entirely Free Form, save for the Talos side in which he must roll to hit. Due to his strength, some opponents can only withstand a few hits before being knocked out or, worse, dieing. Chance of Talos to hit is determined on a case by case basis judging the competitor's size and speed.
Prizes: A competitor must bet an item of high value, at least of the value of 25,000 silver or an equal sum of money. If they win, that money is returned to them as a prize as well as the entry fee. Becoming a Victor means you defeat Talos and the prize for that is the betted sum returned x3 and the entry fee returned x1,500. Becoming a Survivor means you lasted the 30 minutes duration and the prize is the betted sum returned x2 and the entry fee returned x1,000
Additional Information: This is not an elimination Tournament, and usually tacked on as an additional or sometimes separate event. Victor's of this event (People who defeat Talos) are given a golden trophy made in Talos's image. People who survive the allotted time are given a silver trophy made in Talos's image.


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