
We understand that life may not always go as planned, and that one may not be able to fully understand their situation. That is why when employed under the Certus Services you are expected to follow the Codes we live by. This is not just to keep coin in our pockets, but to also aid in keeping those employed under us alive.

We sustain ourselves through profit. Profit comes only from the jobs we embrace as a company. In turn, one must conduct himself with a certain accord when completing the job at hand. The following are Codes  which a member of Certus Services lives by while engaged in a job.

1 When in the presence of the employer of a job, conduct yourself with cordialness. Rude behaviors will not be tolerated, and you will be subject to punishment under Certus Services Law.

2 Be respectful of your Teacher/Advisor. They have been in service of the company for some time, and their position deserves proper respect. Refusal to pay proper respect to them will result in suitable punishment under Certus Services Law.

3 Certus Services does not supercede public law, rather, we are "outside" the law. You are a member of Certus Services, and as a member you must abide by the rules aforementioned in the Certus Services Laws. Unwillingness to do so will result in suitable punishment under Certus Services Law.

4 When taking a job outside of Certus Services, you, as a member, must still review it properly. If the task at hand is too great to handle by one person then you are required to take the matter to either your teacher or the company at once, so that we may properly aid you in the task. Failure to do this may result in suitable punishment under Certus Services Law.

5 Our Ways, Laws, and Conduct are not for public knowledge. We are not a secret society, but are still an entity that can either cause or help problems. Thus, as a member, you must keep any and all knowledge of anything happening within the company or outside the company, disclosed from all non members. Failure to do this will result in suitable punishment under Certus Services Law.

6 When becoming a new member you are under a Probationary term and as such may only take on certain jobs. During which time you are lead around by a Teacher/Advisor who shall train you and teach you the ways of the company. The teacher/advisor dictates when the time has come that you, as a disciple, are no longer on your probationary term, allowing you to accept more suitable jobs. After which point,  you, as a full member, will not receive Teacher/Advisor status until seen fit by the owner of Certus Services:  Lord Fenthoden. Failure to abide by this will result in suitable punishment under Certus Services Law.

7 Certus Services is not only about turning a profit, but also aims to help people in need. If one wishes to engage in a job that is free then the company will allow it. Spreading our reputation through the realms will better help us than profit, and we gladly embrace that. But to do so will also mean less that we can provide as a  company. Thus we leave the decision to you, but you must still abide by the Codes and Laws. Failure to do so will result in suitable punishment under Certus Services Law.

8 The members of Certus Services are not above anyone and we do not act as such. We will pay homage to those of Noble descent as one would his Primal. Any negative feelings towards someone of Noble descent will be addressed to the company through proper means and then worked through. The reputation of the company depends on such actions from our members, and we ask that they acknowledge this. Unwillingness to do so will result in suitable punishment under Certus Services Law.

9 Our word is our bond, and so is the word of Lord Fenthoden. When giving your word you are required to act on it, honorably. If Lord Fenthoden gives his word, he speaks for the entire company and thus you must act on it, honorably. To break your word or bond, or that of Lord Fenthoden's, will result in suitable punishment under Certus Services Law.

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